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Services for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program)

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program is a Federal program that provides HIV-related health services. The program works with cities, states, and local community-based organizations to provide services to more than half a million people each year.

The program is for those who do not have sufficient health care coverage or financial resources for coping with HIV disease. It fills gaps in care not covered by these other sources. The majority of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program funds support primary medical care and essential support services. A smaller but equally critical portion is used to fund technical assistance, clinical training, and research on innovative models of care.

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program is a Federal program that provides HIV-related health services. The program works with cities, states, and local community-based organizations to provide services to more than half a million people each year.

The program is for those who do not have sufficient health care coverage or financial resources for coping with HIV disease. It fills gaps in care not covered by these other sources. The majority of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program funds support primary medical care and essential support services. A smaller but equally critical portion is used to fund technical assistance, clinical training, and research on innovative models of care.

In order to qualify for this benefit program, you or your family/household members must have HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) or AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) and characterize your financial situation as low income or very low income.

To find a Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program near you, along with other HIV/AIDS services, go to the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program page.

To find HIV testing or health services, use the link below.

For more information on this benefit program, please go to the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program page.